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LuLu Pizza Ristorante Grand Opening

LuLu Pizza Ristorante Grand Opening!

LuLu Pizza Ristorante Grand Opening!!! Excited to welcome the residents of Ivano-Frankivsk and the city's guests to the opening of another delicious and atmospheric place. Also, thanks to the owners of this wonderful restaurant for the collaboration and trust! Wishing you success, growth, and always satisfied guests!


About the place

You can find the restaurant at 34 Nezalezhnosti Ave.

Located in a historical building with a beautiful facade that harmoniously combines with the restaurant style.

The wild grapevine, trailing across all floors of the building, serves as an exceptionally interesting "decoration." It's like a "liana in urban jungles".

Spacious, large windows visually open the interior spacet to passersby.


Congratulations on the opening!


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